DOMMERTILMELDING til Stockholm Football Cup 2025

Welcome as a referee to Stockholm Football Cup.

When you have signed up we will contact you in spring for more information.
On the next page you can report what days and time you are available during Stockholm Football Cup.

Under Licenses select what type you are qualified to be a referee for.

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Her kan du vælge hvilke licenser eller niveauer du er autoriseret til.



Læs teksten nedenfor, og marker afkrydsningsfeltet for at indikere, at du accepterer betingelserne.

As a referee in Stockholm Football Cup the following is very important:
Both as your role as referee and a representant from the cup we expect you to be prepared for your assignment and you can also expect the same from us.

We want you to be available to start on thursday at 13:00 until Sunday at 17:00 to be a refere in the games.
You should report no later than 30 minutes before the game to the field manager.
It is a common referee meeting before tha cup that is mandatory for you.

Latest on the 13 of August we want your form for the fees.

Payment will be done in the end of September.

We will use resultphones so the referees will report live scores during the games.

Welcome to SFC – Stockholm Football Cup!


Hvis turneringen ønsker det, har de tilladelse til at vise mit navn offentligt, for eksempel for at andre dommere skal vælge mig som partner eller i turneringsplanen.

Når du har sendt din registrering, kan du tilføje din tilgængelighed. .